“…como tampoco hay guitarra sin
tecnología, tecnología del naylon para las primas, tecnología del metal para el
clavijero, la prensa, la gubia y el barniz, las herramientas del carpintero”
guitarra y vos)
One of the best companies you can enjoy is the company of a guitar. A
guitar is a beatiful musical instrument, and one of the most popular. Maybe you
don’t think it’s a technological stuff, but actually, you need a lot of
technology to make a good guitar.
I remember that the first time I played a guitar I was eight years old and
I didn’t understand how it works. Through the time I was playing guitar a lot
and I realized that guitar was more than just a fun instrument, it became an
important thing in my life. I bought a new guitar last year and I think it will
be with me for a lot of years.
I usually play guitar when I’m home, but I do it when I am with my friends too
and also at the University, sometimes I play guitar when I’m supposed to be
studying. To play guitar helps me to express my feelings and it give me a lot
of peace. I love to play guitar.